From the previous post, "text based user interface: termbox tutorial - 1. hello-world.c". I had shown how to add pretty text and how to capsule the text with color.
Now I am showing how to draw box surround the text, same method can be applied to draw a frame.
Let me show the whole code first.
The result:
Simple, but how many lines of codes are needed.
First, I had to print the hello world
while(chars[j] != 0) {
tb_change_cell(j+1, 1, chars[j], TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT);
fourthly, draw the horizontal line for top and bottom.
for (i = 1; i < 12; ++i) {
tb_change_cell(i, 0, 0x2500, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT);
tb_change_cell(i, 2, 0x2500, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT);
Now I am showing how to draw box surround the text, same method can be applied to draw a frame.
Let me show the whole code first.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 | #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "../termbox.h" static const char chars[] = "hello world"; int main(int argv, char **argc) { (void)argc; (void)argv; int code = tb_init(); if (code < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "termbox init failed, code: %d\n", code); return -1; } tb_select_input_mode(TB_INPUT_ESC); tb_select_output_mode(TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL); tb_clear(); int i, j=0; while(chars[j] != 0) { tb_change_cell(j+1, 1, chars[j], TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT); j++; } tb_change_cell(0, 0, 0x250C, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT); tb_change_cell(12, 0, 0x2510, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT); tb_change_cell(0, 2, 0x2514, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT); tb_change_cell(12, 2, 0x2518, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT); for (i = 1; i < 12; ++i) { tb_change_cell(i, 0, 0x2500, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT); tb_change_cell(i, 2, 0x2500, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT); } for (i = 1; i < 2; ++i) { tb_change_cell(0, i, 0x2502, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT); tb_change_cell(12, i, 0x2502, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT); } tb_present(); while(1) { struct tb_event ev; tb_poll_event(&ev); if (ev.key == TB_KEY_ESC) { tb_shutdown(); return 0; } } } |
The result:
Simple, but how many lines of codes are needed.
First, I had to print the hello world
while(chars[j] != 0) {
tb_change_cell(j+1, 1, chars[j], TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT);
secondly, draw the four corner using extend ascii
tb_change_cell(0, 0, 0x250C, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT);
tb_change_cell(12, 0, 0x2510, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT);
tb_change_cell(0, 2, 0x2514, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT);
tb_change_cell(12, 2, 0x2518, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT);
0x250C =┌
0x2510 = ┐
0x2514 = └
0x2518 = ┘
Reference ASCII code for box drawing
thirdly, draw the vertical line on both side.
for (i = 1; i < 2; ++i) {
tb_change_cell(0, i, 0x2502, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT);
tb_change_cell(12, i, 0x2502, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT);
0x2502 = │
for (i = 1; i < 12; ++i) {
tb_change_cell(i, 0, 0x2500, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT);
tb_change_cell(i, 2, 0x2500, TB_BLUE, TB_DEFAULT);
0x2500 = ─
For text UI, you need to do everything in code, compile, then run.
This is the only way you can see the output.
No add and drop features.