Embedded world is gaining much of the popularity over the time, low cost microcontroller kits equipped with on board debugger, open source compiler, open source library with huge fan base, multiple project posted online, easy to use IDE and code writing (Arduino). Even small kids can start their own programming project.
Often time, people also refer embedded system as a complex system with operating system. Depending on the scale of your project, small project can use micrcontroller, medium or large scale project, people started to use microprocessor.
Two of most common embedded operating systems are window ce and linux. Latter is free, powerful, customise-able and open source.
I want to learn more about embedded linux as it has huge market right now. Talent with related skill set is a good career advancement.
ARM dominant the world of embedded linux, especially in hobbyist project. Two of the most popular single board computers are raspberry pi and beaglebone. Raspberry PI is more popular on application side whereas beaglebone is more to linux kernel & driver development.
My target is learning Intel embedded linux, as Intel microprocessor is much complicated and less people is familiar with this weirdo (people from hobbyist world doesnt like it).
Finally, I get my hand on one Intel Galileo from my friend.
Quick check
one power supply with different type connector,
one galileo
What will you make?
NO idea, let see how.
I connect a serial to usb converter (from ada fruit) to galileo,
I like the pinout connection, it can directly plug in galileo board, save my effort in finding jumper and connect both together.
Nevertheless, i have to stick some label stickers behind the usb to serial module as when i plug it in galileo it can easily touch metal LAN connector.
Next, my current favourite terminal software, tera-term.
Before that, you need to install FTDI driver, which can be downloaded from here.
At tera term side, uart baud rate, set it to 115200.
First time power on, "error" "ASSERT_EFI_ERROR "
Forget to take a picture.
After some googling, found intel forum, "How to Fix a Bricked or Unresponsive Intel® Galileo Board". Recommended re-flash the BIOS firmware.
However, you need to have a dediprog first. Expensive tool, able to borrow one from lab. Now for the firmware, took me some time to go through intel website. lntel® Galileo Board Software Package. Look for Flash-missingPDAT_Release.
For the connection from galileo to dediprog, I found one detail description at reversatronics blogspot. Save my time reading the schematic. Basically it is SPI communication protocol.
Wow la, 2nd time power on,
This time is better, at least i can key in input.
More googling, found this post "How to recover after corrupted SPI flash." Also failed.
Going through Intel community, one user (FlexerUwe) has same issue as me at post 27.
Reply from Intel support "Which .bin file did you use? Can you please provide a link? The bin file needs to be created with the mac address of your board. Please send me a private message with the mac address of your board and I can create one for you."
I gave up for now.
If I able to power up it, I will change my title to intel galileo step by step until success.